
Thursday 24 May 2018

Bear and Chicken

In class we were doing Group Story Telling, we got into a circle and everyone said a sentence and then it goes into the next person and so on. Then Whaea Pene told us to go back and finish it off, ( the highlighted words are the ones that the whole class made up, the rest was what I did ) and here's my story.

Once upon a time there was a Bear and a Chicken, they lived in a house with some food, yummy. That’s weird! Then they went outside to get some fresh chicken nuggets. When they saw Goldy Locks yelling for help, they laughed at her face; it was awful because she was making a weird face. Bear went to help - because he felt bad for her - while Chicken was still eating his chicken nuggets. Again that’s weird!. Bear helped her out and shared the chicken nuggets. She told them about how she escaped these three bears because she ate their freshly made porridge, Bear was starting to get offended because the 3 bears she was talking about was his cousins, she started to say how fat and ugly they were and Bear had enough. Then they started to argue on who would have the last chicken nugget, they started to get really angry apart from Bear because he was already angry enough. Then they started to argue on who would have the last chicken nugget, they started to get really angry so Bear almost ate Goldy Locks, Goldy Locks almost ate Chicken and Chicken had the last chicken nugget. They lived angrily ever after…

The End...

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